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Martinenghi was born from a project that lasted more than two years, locked in my workshop, where I studied dozens of old tube amplifiers schematics from the 1960s and 1970s, trying to figure out what the key was to those legendary sounds that never died out. I designed my amplifier inspired by those sounds, but always trying to put them in a more modern and usable context. I worked with the scientific approach that I love so much, with the method that I assimilated by doing research for years in the Physics laboratories of the Politecnico di Milano. I carried out hundreds of computer simulations, made tens of prototypes in the quest for the perfect tone, never satisfied with what I achieved.
But to say that Martinenghi is only a creation of mine would not honor what is the real magic of this project: the people with whom I have worked and shared this journey. My prototypes have all been tested by dozens of musicians, who have guided me through modifications and the constant strive for improvement. Everyone knows how punctilious musicians can be when it comes to sound, so I truly consider to have created an amplifier that is valued and loved by everyone a great accomplishment.
I feel I should thank all those who have contributed to the project, those who have seen Martinenghi come to life little by little, those who have supported me and believed in the project. In particular, I want to thank Mario, who with his limitless talent has always been my guide and inspiration - to hear his music flowing out of my amplifier is the fulfillment of a goal; Renato, old professor at the Politecnico di Milano who studied electronics when transistors did not yet exist, and helped me navigate the maze of vacuum tube electronics; Antonio, who with his presence of mind has always pushed and encouraged me to improve; and Stefano, who believed in the project from the beginning, when there was nothing solid but the idea, and advised and followed me in the design of the cabinet, gifting me with his experience as a designer. In short, thank you all, I hope you can now enjoy our amplifiers, knowing that part of the magnificent result achieved belongs to YOU!


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Edoardo Martinenghi, Founder

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